Aktuelle Informationen

Kjell Schmidt, 19 years old, top candidate of the party Zukunft. and thus one of the youngest candidates for the position of honorary mayor in Schleswig-Holstein, presented his ambitious plan for the implementation of a "Cannabis Model Region Nordfriesland" today. The dedicated politician is running for the community of Wenningstedt-Braderup on list position 1 as well as for the North Frisian district council on list position 3 and is also chairman of the youth organization Junge Zukunft! of the same party.

LARS, born in 1970 and father of three children, is an experienced candidate for the office of mayor in Husum. With over 35 years of local political commitment and extensive experience, he brings the necessary professional prerequisites for the office. LARS has been self-employed for many years, for example, he currently creates regular content for the Sylt1 TV station and studies political and administrative sciences and sociology at the FernUniversität Hagen, where he is currently writing his bachelor thesis with an administrative focus on the protection of permanent living space in tourist areas. He also learned the interplay of politics and administration as a member of the NF district council, the Sylt municipal council, and various leadership positions. Lars is fluent in English, proficient in application programs such as Office and Adobe CC, and is a trained mediator. With his versatile skills and commitment, he is the ideal candidate for a modern and forward-looking city administration in HUSUM.

To bee Stand meiner Kampagne LARS für HUSUM und der Initiative ALLE für HUSUM zu bleiben, laden ich Dich ein, direkt mit dabei zu sein.   

Du erhälst regelmäßig Updates zu bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen, wichtigen politischen Entscheidungen und Möglichkeiten, sich aktiv an der Gestaltung unseres Lebensumfelds zu beteiligen.

Fülle einfach das untenstehende Formular aus und klicke auf "ABSENDEN", um Teil von ALLE für HUSUM zu werden. Zusammen können wir Großes erreichen und unsere Stadt in eine bessere Zukunft führen. Ich freue mich auf Deine Unterstützung und Dein Engagement!

Ich stimme der Kontaktaufnahme durch Lars und Zukunft. per Mail und Handy bis auf Widerruf zu.

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Lade gerne weitere Menschen ein, ein Teil von ALLE für HUSUM zu werden.

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